For countless millennia, humanity has been enslaved through the engineered division of the sexes.

The central mission of the Anaami project is to help reestablish the sacred covenant between men and women by teaching men how to reclaim their power and dignity, so they can in turn unlock and guide women’s true creative potential and together, give birth to New Possibilities.

A NEW VISION OF MANHOOD The hardest part
of life is Man-Making.

Once you get that, everything
else is smooth sailing.

These are the words (and I am paraphrasing) that my grandmaster once said. Man-making means learning the basics of Life, and what it means to actually be a value-full man. Making money, “banging ho’s,” and wearing fancy clothes means nothing, these are all culturally constructed ideals, designed to keep you weak and powerless, chasing nothingness and wasting your life. The symbols we have attributed to modern manhood have nothing to do with being an actual man. Which begs the question: Who and what is a man? What is his purpose or function? Basic questions very few will ever dare to ask.

We men have received little to no education about what actual manhood is really all about. If we are fortunate, we may have received some elements but no actual overall vision nor examples, which explains why the world is the current state that it is. This problem, albeit it has exponentially grown in the past few years, is not a modern affliction, but stems from the very Beginning, the genesis of our World.

The purpose of the Anaami Project is to help men reclaim their birthright: Power.

Power is not to be found in titles or worldly successes, for these can be taken away at any time. They are allotted by government agencies who control you. True power comes when one is connected to the Intent that has created you. Power is achieved when you are consciously plugged into the Grid of the Matrix of Creation. This may sound mystical for some, but I assure you, it is not, it’s as simple as day, and it just shows how disconnected we have become.

Without access to your power, you are no man, only a shell of one. It doesn’t matter how much money you have and how strong you are, it doesn’t matter how many women you sleep with, it’s all meaningless. You are empty, and you know it. You can feel it in your heart, at the core of your being. Something is missing and no matter how hard you try to fill the void and keep yourself busy, no matter how much you accumulate, nothing ever gets to the bottom of this emptiness.

Modern men are broken, and there is much healing that needs to happen in order for them to rise again. Women, as you can also clearly see, are also profoundly wounded and misguided. They are bitter and frustrated, in constant anxiety without even realizing why. It is for men, the problem solvers of the two sexes, to first profoundly understand what is happening to us as a species and second, help fix/heal women’s problems/dis-eases, for without her on our side, there is no Future. But how can men do this, when they are themselves lost and have no idea what a woman’s actual power and worth is? How can a man fulfill his duty towards Life and women when he has no idea what his actual worth is and how to reclaim it?

The question “What do women actually want is often asked,” but very few men (and women) ever find the answer. Brothers, women seek/need/want God from you. And until you discover what this actually means and learn to achieve this state, you will always be dis-eased and miserable, enslaved by your desperate need for external validation.

Be mindful, I am not speaking of being some god-like Thor or another archetypal mythical superhuman figure. Quite the contrary. It’s much simpler and down to earth than that. Godhood is your Nature, no matter what your karma (attributes) is. In fact, we should say that the journey of manhood is in the journey towards Godhood.

The intent of this project is to educate men about the deeper workings of manhood, to guide and help them heal their deepest traumas in order to become empowered human beings, conscious of who they truly are, and their specific functions in Creation.

I teach men the ancient forgotten arts of tantric healing so that they can in turn help their woman slowly but surely open up to herself again and rediscover her true womb power and divine greatness.

Just as woman is man’s greatest teacher, for you can never deceive her womb and she will always silently point out your weaknesses (i.e.: lack of Godhood), man is woman’s healer. The capacity to heal a woman, in the truest sense of word, with his eyes, hands, body and lingam is a man’s primary function in regards to her at this juncture in time. It is only your love for the Goddess that can help women reclaim her dignity and humanity. It’s your unwavering commitment to Life which will help heal her womb allowing her to eventually birth the New Man, for a woman’s deepest desire is indeed to birth God.

Since the very Beginning in the Garden, we have been as men, failing in our duty. With this project, I hope to inspire you to finally fulfill your responsibility (read: acquire power) and help transform humanity from within. Of course, that is, if you have the strength, courage and patience to do the necessary Work. Either way, the choice is yours.

The journey of manhood must begin by rediscovering who you truly are, beneath the facades and all the make belief. What is it to be a man? What is the power endowed to him? For what great purpose and by whom? These are the fundamental questions we must answer if we aspire to live a life of full-ness and harmony.

Discover an extensive and ever-growing video library addressing the key subjects and themes every man must face on his Journey of Manhood – with a special focus on sexuality, healing arts, gender dynamics, powers and principalities, shamanism and the unconscious realms, occult knowledge, karma and physical health, and finally how it all comes together practically in everyday life.

Allow me to be 100% transparent with you. At this stage, I only personally work with people who are made to work with me directly, or if you prefer, are destined to receive my direct guidance. I offer my time and help to those I feel truly will benefit from my presence. In other words, what they need and are looking for, only I can provide, and it’s my duty to help.