Healing is a very practical affair. The human body is the blueprint for your entire inner world. It also carries within itself the entire potential of Life/Nature, in its latent form. All is inscribed therein. Every thought and belief, since time immemorial, is buried with the depth of the body/mind. What better place to begin the healing journey than directly at the Temple of Life itself.

Healing begins with the human body. It is then by default a very SENSUAL path. Feeling is the language of the body. And that language is communicated via a healthy functioning nervous system. Without which, one cannot TRULY discern what is happening to them and why. Imagine going to China, and not speaking the language. Imagine visiting the earth, without speaking the language. Earth has her own sacred language. We may have lost it, but we can find it anew, and it all begins in our bodies.

The human body is akin to the Earth. As history has shown, we can mold earth to take whatever form we please by manipulating, bending and using her to fulfill our wildest imagination. She will, out of love, comply with our demands. However, and here is the greatest of all secrets, she will NEVER OPEN to you her mysteries, because you have never loved or cared for HER OWN well being. In the same way, the body can be manipulated by what is commonly known as the mind today. In fact, most if not all yoga practice today, as well as magic and healing techniques are MIND BASED. They use the mind to generate a response in the body and confuse this for veritable experiences. However, genuine TANTRA, or Yoga, or the Way of Life in its raw primal authentic non-religious format has nothing to do with MIND. It is a study of Nature, of the Goddess, which eventually opens up to the deeper secrets of Life. The very act of control is an act of will, of desire, of imposing, stemming from a deep insecurity or incapacity to fully experience and grasp the Highest perfection of life and creation. There is only One Doer, and all that is, and will ever be are because of His Will. We are merely instruments of this Great Master Power, and the true path of Yoga reveals to us this universal cosmic truth. The study of Tantra is not a study in sense control, quite the contrary. It is the surrendering of our control systems, and the unfoldment of the true human potential, which is as per natures design, PERFECT and DIVINE. Yoga or the state of One-ness is not something that must be achieved. It is the Reality that has and will always exist. Healing is the self-realization of this Ultimate Truth and experiencing how it expresses itself in Time.

Man spends his whole life exploring
the so-called wonders of the world
in outer things and places,
but few ever dream of exploring
the inner depths of this wonderful
house in which we live –  the physical body.

Throughout history, few have solved
the mystifying riddle of life.

— Kirpal Singh

In order to enter the temple of Life, the human body, and discover what truly lives within, and begin our in-depth studies of Life, one has to know how to enter the Temple. One cannot simply enter by force of will. One has to be granted access, and that is only possible if one truly yearns for the Truth, is ready and worthy to enter the shrine of the Goddess, and also, is accompanied by a qualified Teacher or healer, who can vouch for you and guide you through the labyrinth of the Land of the Body.

Although HEALING is an individual thing, it is also by default, a journey that requires a Teacher. As one advances on the journey, we begin to realize that the Teacher is not really a person, but simply a servant of Nature and that it is Nature herself the true Guide and Teacher. She is in fact, our most beloved teacher in this World. However at first, before one can actually develop such refinement, one needs an actual living TEACHER or HEALER to accompany and Initiate us into the mysteries of the Goddess. This is done quite simply and non-ritualistically. It is as natural as drinking water. When the body is thirsty for air, it breathes. In the same way, when the aspirant is hungry for deeper truth about Life, they are guided to teachers who help them walk safely on the path of Life. The transmission is done in silence, simply by radiation and receptivity.

My work is essential to accompany you in your journey through the Land of the Human body, so you can slowly but surely return home, and once and for all, take your seat on the Holy throne designed by Life herself just you. Until we take our seat back at the controlling center of the human body, we cannot yet call ourselves human beings. We are essentially being controlled by forces external to ourselves and must suffer the consequences of our unconscious actions. We are lost kites in the wind of the world.

Kabir, the human body is a mighty ocean,
Its depth is difficult to fathom.
Only one who dies while living –
Who dives within –
Can find its pearls.
I am a diver in this ocean:
In a single dive I bring to the surface
Such pearls of knowledge
As are unknown to the world.

— Kabir Sahib