
In March 2005, He passed away, and I was once again on my own (well, not exactly; his Spirit was now with me all the time), but this time armed with Knowledge and Vision. Albeit a bit reluctantly, it was time for me to go back to the world and test, apply and practice the knowledge I had received, learn how to navigate through the madness of modernity, and become my own man in the light of my great Teacher.

I spent the next 15 years learning, studying the ways of the world, acquiring the needed education I was never given. I studied modern, ancient and revisionist history, occultism, medicine, the healing arts, finances, art, business development, freemasonry, entrepreneurship, tantra, shamanism, sexuality, “game,” seduction, nutrition, music, cleansing, leadership, eugenics, religion, spirituality, yoga, witchcraft, herbalism, magick, architecture, community building, warfare, cinematography, production, economics, law, marketing, psychology, parenting, anatomy, physiology, alchemy, mythology, education, cryptocurrency, mind control, biohacking, mysticism, leadership, and so much more.

I also traveled extensively during this time meeting countless teachers and gurus from every field, as well as people from all walks of life, witnessing and experiencing for my own self the state of affairs on earth while at the same time diving within, healing my inmost traumas and discovering the Nature of Self and the subtle workings of Creation.

Through my intensive process of individuation, I realized that I had a natural inclination for the healing arts.  Being that I was in such dire need of fixing, it was very natural for me to gravitate toward them.  I also wanted to discover everything I could about health and disease and understand the deeper workings of the human body.  I was obsessed.

I studied every system worthy of my attention in an attempt to discover the heart of each approach.  How did they work and why?  What were their limits and why?  What principles could I derive from their teachings, and how could I apply them more effectively?

I acquired numerous diplomas and certificates throughout my journey, namely degrees in Osteopathy, Naturopathy, and Massage therapy, to name a few, on top of spending more than 6 years in University taking courses ranging from psychology to nursing sciences.  Even to this day, I am still studying, and completing a degree in Ayurvedic Medicine (India’s ancient and natural medical system, dating back thousands of years, akin to traditional Chinese medicine) and in Jyotish or Vedic Astrology.

To be honest, my goal was never to have a career in any of these professions, although I did end up working as a clinician and a teacher encountering thousands of patients and students.  What I truly cared about was the knowledge and its application. I was (and still am) a “mad scientist” seeking to discover the mysteries of the human psyche/body and the root cause of disease.  A great explorer of the Underworld looking for the source of light that enlivens us all, wanting to better understand the human being (microcosm) and his/her intricate connection with the universe and the Creation (macrocosm).

My Offering

I have questioned myself a lot about how to proceed with this Service. I have had many reservations. For starters, the world is full of noise, I do not wish to add more noise to it. Secondly, I am not seeking attention, name or fame. I simply wish to fulfill my function or service, and mind my business.

The state of the world is very complicated at this juncture in time and the last thing I want for myself is unnecessary problems or hassles. The World is heading in a very clear direction. I am not here to block it, nor to facilitate it. I am here to serve human beings, men and women from either side who genuinely seek answers and a more optimal way to live.

I have also questioned myself on how to best share the Knowledge. The idea of creating a conventional YouTube page and asking people to “like, subscribe and turn on the notification bell” makes me a bit nauseous. Building a marketing funnel trying to get people to sign up for my Free Report is not something I am feeling very inspired to do either, nor is flexing my muscles on Instagram and showing off my cars and how amazing my life is. No disrespect intended, it’s how social media works, but truth be told, it turns me off. It’s not for me, yet, it’s how the world turns, so I must adapt and find my way through this labyrinth if I am to reach you.

So my team and I have decided to create an online video library of knowledge, addressing all subjects and themes every man must face as he matures and go through his journey of manhood, bringing a particular focus on human sexuality, the healing arts, women/men dynamics, inner and outer alignment, the hierarchies of power, the underworld or unconscious realm of the psyche, the occult, the inner workings of the human body, karma, and how all of this translated in everyday life.

We are also creating an online School, which will offer various programs, accessible to all, for those who wish to embark on a profound healing journey and feel inspired to receive my guidance and teachings.

These in-depth trainings will give you access to 25 years of research and studies and show you how to reclaim your health and life back into your hands. New students will also benefit from the help of my advanced students and join our online community, and eventually, have the opportunity to attend Live Seminars which I will be hosting.

My objective is to let things grow organically. I am here for the long haul, whatever is needed, I am here to serve.

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